Friday, June 13, 2014


Teaching and Learning Vocabulary : Innovative Principles and Strategies

Dr. George Kolanchery
English Studies Dept.
Bayan University College, Sultanate of Oman  

Vocabulary plays an important part in lingual expression.  Acquiring English vocabulary is very crucial for EFL/ESL learners.  Vocabulary acquisition is very important for a learner as it is related to proficiency and fluency in English.  Vocabulary size helps the learner to use the skills of understanding, reading, writing and speaking.  It is classified as receptive vocabulary and productive vocabulary.  The acquisition of vocabulary is possible through incidental and intentional learning.  The most efficient way to achieve communicative competence is to increase the vocabulary size.  Knowing a word receptively or productively depends on meaning, form and use.  An effective vocabulary makes our expression clear and communication easy.  
This paper discusses the principles of teaching/learning a foreign language and vocabulary, reasons for Learners’ poor retention of words, and effective strategies for better vocabulary teaching/learning.  It delves deep into the different stages of teaching vocabulary and suggests innovative strategies for developing the vocabulary in view of ESL learners. The researcher also presents some useful techniques to teach vocabulary more effectively in this digital age using technology-based webtools. 

Dr. George Kolanchery, Ph.D,,TESOL (UK), CELTA, LL.B. currently works at Bayan University College, Oman. He has presented papers in International ELT Conferences in Malaysia, Philippines, Oman and India; and  also works as  Reviewer and Editor for Internationally-refereed ELT journals.

1 comment:

Arthi Arun said...

Hi George sir.
I don't know if you will read this comment. Please do reply if you do.
I am your friend from 25 years ago (Bhind)
